Finding the Best Kennel for Your Dog

It can be a stressful experience when your dog has to stay overnight away from home. However, the right boarding facility can take away all the doubt and make a big difference in how enjoyable the stay and experience is for your dog. Finding the best kennel may be a challenging experience if proper channels are not observed. However, doing a few things will help you get the right kennel in a simple way.

A Quick Overview of Everything You Need to Know About Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs

Acute pancreatitis is one of the most serious conditions that your dog can face, and you should understand the risk factors and learn to pick up on the signs that you should get your pooch to an emergency vet as soon as possible. Here’s a quick overview of everything you need to know about acute pancreatitis in dogs. What Is Acute Pancreatitis? The pancreas sits just behind the small intestine and the stomach, and it helps your dog digest food by producing pancreatic enzymes and glucose.

3 Cat Care Options To Consider When Going On Holiday

Planning a holiday that doesn’t involve your cat can leave you feeling anxious and worried about arranging suitable care for them while you’re away. There are several high-quality care options available, but the best fit for your cat will depend on their personality and individual needs. Here’s an overview of three cat care options for you to consider: Staying With A Friend Or Neighbour Sending your cat on their own little holiday to a friend or neighbour’s house can be a good option for sociable cats who don’t get stressed in new environments or when their routine is changed.

5 Aftercare Tips to Follow After Your Dog Has Teeth Extracted

It might not be pleasant to think about, but tooth extraction is one of the most common canine surgeries. It’s something that often causes owners to fret; as well as having their pet put under anaesthetic, it can be hard to imagine a dog getting on without their full set of pearly whites. However, dogs are a pretty resilient bunch, and they should adapt quickly, especially if their teeth were previously causing them pain.